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Bus Rules

School Bus Rules and Regulations

Student conduct on school buses, as part of the school environment, follows all the requirements and provisions as outlined in the code. Disciplinary action removing a student’s privilege to ride a school bus must be the result of behavior serious enough to warrant suspension from riding the bus, school, or both.

The privilege of any student to ride a school bus is conditioned upon his good behavior and observance of the following rules and regulations. There is not room for variance from the rules and regulations as any variance could endanger the safety and welfare of several children.

Education Code Section 14263—of Regulations and laws relating to Public Transportation in California reads as follows: Authority of Driver.

(a) Pupils transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of, and responsible directly to, the driver of the bus, and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of the pupils while they are on the bus or being escorted across a street, highway or road. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a pupil to be denied transportation. A bus driver shall not require any pupil to leave the bus enroute between home and school or other destinations.

(b) Boards of trustees shall adopt rules and regulations to enforce this section. These regulations shall include, but not be limited to, specific administrative procedures relating to suspension of riding privileges and shall be made available to parents, pupils, teachers, and other interested parties.


Bus Rules and Regulations – While On The Bus

The driver is in full charge of the bus and the students. Students shall comply fully and promptly with the driver’s instructions and without arguing viewpoints.

Upon boarding the bus, students shall immediately be seated, facing forward, and remain in that seat for the remainder of the route, unless given permission by the driver to change seats. Lying down in the seat is not acceptable.

The driver may assign seats on the bus, and students shall sit in their assigned seat.

Students shall be courteous to the driver and to fellow students.

Students shall not mar or otherwise deface the bus.

Students are not to tamper with mechanical equipment, accessories or controls of the bus

Students are to refrain from loud talking, excessive noise, and unnecessary movement, which can divert the driver’s attention and may result in an accident.

Students are to keep their hands to themselves.

Students shall assist in keeping the bus safe and clean at all times.

Eating and drinking on the bus are prohibited.

Students are not to throw litter of any kind on the floor of the bus as a bag or box is provided for trash.

Students shall keep all body parts and clothing inside the bus at all times.

Students shall never leave the bus through the rear door, except during an emergency situation.

The driver will not let students off the bus at places other than the regular bus stop at home or at school unless by written authorization of the parent signed by the principal or school secretary. Phoned in bus changes shall not be honored except in emergency situations.

In case of a road emergency involving the bus, or the bus and another vehicle, the students are to remain in the bus, unless given other instructions by the driver.

The following improper behaviors can result in suspension of riding privileges, and/or suspension from school.

1. Insolence, not following driver’s instructions, vulgar actions or gestures, obscene or profane language, hitting, fighting, pushing, shoving, or other disruptive and disturbing actions.

2. Throwing articles or objects in or from the bus.

3. Obstructing the aisle in any manner.

4. Occupying more space in a seat than is needed, and refusing to allow other passengers to sit down.

5. Possession of unacceptable items such as glass containers, live animals, water guns, squirt bottles, helium-filled balloons, radios, walkman-type devices, video games, cell phones, pagers, skateboards, scooters, roller blades, bicycles, etc.

6. Possession of or use of fireworks, lighters, or matches.

7. Possession of or use of any tobacco product.

8. Possession of or use of any weapon.

Note: When a student brings home a "Bus Conduct Report to Parents", the parents must sign and return the form to the bus driver prior to boarding the bus.


Bus Rules and Regulations – Prior to Loading (On the Road and at School)

Students shall be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time of pick up. The bus cannot wait for those who are late. Students are to wait until the bus has come to a complete stop before moving toward the bus and attempting to board. At the bus stop, students shall remain in an orderly line at least 6 feet away from the bus without engaging in horseplay or other disruptive activities while they are waiting.


Bus Rules and Regulations – Leaving the Bus

Students are to remain in their seats until the bus has come to a complete stop before standing, entering the aisle, and attempting to leave the bus at school or at their bus stop.


Bus Rules and Regulations – Video Cameras

Video cameras may be in use to record student activities on the bus, and the tape will be used as evidence in disciplinary hearings.


Bus Rules and Regulations – Extra Curricular Trips

Bus discipline rules and regulations apply to any trip under school sponsorship. Students shall comply with requests of a competent chaperone appointed by the school or the driver.


Bus Rules and Regulations – Disciplinary Actions

The following proposals have been drawn up concerning the disciplinary actions of students involved in discipline problems on school buses. The punishments stated constitute the possible penalty in each case. More severe punishments may be administered at the discretion of the administrator involved. Other bus regulations, not specifically covered, may be governed by the minimum penalty of the category in which they are placed. Warning Citations may be issued at the discretion of the driver.

A. Throwing items

1st offense – 3 days off bus

2nd offense – 5 days off bus

3rd offense – 10 days off bus

B. Refusal to sit in assigned seat

1st offense – 3 days off bus

2nd offense – 5 days off bus

3rd offense – 10 days off bus

C. Insubordination

1st offense – 3 days off bus

2nd offense – 5 days off bus

3rd offense – 10 days off bus

D. Possession/Use of Weapons or Controlled Substances (including tobacco products), or possession of fireworks, lighters, or matches.

Immediate referral to Principal/Sheriff’s Department

E. Fighting/hitting on bus or at bus stop

1st offense – 5 to 10 days off bus

2nd offense – Remainder of school year

F. Abusiveness to driver (verbally)

1st offense – 5 to 10 days off bus

2nd offense – Remainder of school year

Abusiveness to driver (physically)

1st offense – Off bus for remainder of school year

G. Obscene language and/or gestures

Each offense – 3 to 10 days off bus

H. Having body parts and/or other items out of windows

Each offense – 3 days off bus

I. Destruction of school bus

1st offense – 5 to 10 days off bus plus damages assessed

2nd offense – Remainder of school year plus damages assessed

J. Excessive noise/mischief which might interfere with the driver’s concentration or ability to hear emergency vehicles

Each offense – 3 to 5 days off bus

K. Unacceptable items on bus such as glass containers, live animals, water guns, squirt bottles, helium-filled balloons, radios*, walkman-type devices*, video games*, cell phones, pagers, skateboards, scooters, roller blades, bicycles, etc. (*Subject to driver’s discretion on field trips)

Each offense – 3 days off bus

L. Multiple violations of any or all of the above

Off bus for remainder of school year

If a student is suspended from one school bus, he/she is suspended from all other buses as well. A school bus suspension is not an excused absence from school. Students will be expected to be at school each day of their bus suspension.


Bus Rules and Regulations – Kindergarten Students

All of the above listed items also apply to Kindergarten Students. In addition, it is necessary for the safety of all that the child is capable of sitting in his/her seat for the entire bus ride to his/her destination. A parent or other adult (designated in writing) must meet the child at his/her bus stop. If no adult is present when the bus arrives at the child’s stop, the driver will have to take the child back to the school office. The parent or designated adult will then have to come to the school office to pick up the child.


Bus Rules and Regulations – Responsibilities, Penalties, and Due Process

Any complaints of students, parents, or drivers not specified in these regulations shall be reported to the Principal or Director of Transportation.

When actions taken by the driver or other school employees are not supported by the parent or guardian, the proper channel for the hearing of the issues shall be as follows: At the request of the parent or guardian, the Principal will schedule a meeting to review the facts and to hear the various viewpoints of the student, parent and driver. After reviewing the facts and hearing all viewpoints, the Principal will make a decision as to the disposition of the case. Should the parent or guardian feel that a fair decision was not made; an appeal may be made to the Director of Transportation, who will review the case and make recommendations to the Superintendent for final decision.

Revised 4/2001